Cloud-based Protection and Performance Improvement in the E-Health Management Framework


Cloud provides several benefits in e-health care. Based on current trends, the E-healthcare database could be linked to cloud services. This work provides an idea of combining a structure for monitoring electronic-health services based on the cloud environment. With this, we are planning to adapt it to distributed computing. This framework has been enhanced in order to provide a variety of health services. The whole framework of the E-Healthcare Database Maintenance System covers the consumer side and the application side and Cloud. In order to improve safety in the e-health system, the biometric confirmation system is added in order to avoid non-criminal situations and to forget about the password situation. In addition to this framework, we add a security module to enhance the safety and privacy of patients. Our proposed framework improves the security, privacy, time, and cost of access to health information.



Software And Hardware

• Hardware: Processor: i3 ,i5 RAM: 4GB Hard disk: 16 GB • Software: operating System : Windws2000/XP/7/8/10 Anaconda,jupyter,spyder,flask Frontend :-python Backend:- MYSQL