Job Applications Selection and Identification: Study of Resumes with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning


For each job ad, the organization received a high number of applicants. Finding the right person's application from various applications is a time-consuming task for any company these days. The categorization of a representative's resume is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and resource-intensive procedure. Natural language processing and advanced analytics can understand and analyze unstructured written material to extract the required information. The idea is to teach the machine to study text in the same manner that people do. By reviewing applications with natural language processing and machine-learning processing, we may be able to locate people with the abilities and attributes we need more quickly. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of resume selection and identifies the existing work gaps. Different algorithms for machine learning and methodologies for analyzing and interpreting unstructured data have been researched. This study also addresses the research problems and future potential of resume analysis regarding the writing style, word choice, and grammar of unstructured written communication.



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