Smart Energy Efficient Home Automation System Using IoT


Advancement in IoT based application has become the state-of-the art technology among the researcher due to the availability of Internet everywhere. To make the application more user friendly, web based and android based technologies have gained their importance in this cutting edge technology. In this paper, smart energy efficient home automation system is proposed that can access and control the home equipments from every corner of the world. For this system, Internet connectivity module is attached to the main supply unit of the home system which can be accessed through the Internet. For wireless connectivity, the static IP address is used. Home automation is based on multimodal application that can be operated using voice recognition command of the user using the Google Assistant or through a web based application. Thus, main objective of this work is to make our home automation system more secure and intelligent.



Software And Hardware

• Hardware: Processor: i3 ,i5 RAM: 4GB Hard disk: 16 GB Raspberry pi/arduino,other hardware components (please call) • Software: operating System : Windws2000/XP/7/8/10 Anaconda,jupyter,spyder,flask Frontend :-python Backend:- MYSQL