Design and Implementation of a Wearable Sensor Network System for IoT-Connected Safety and Health Applications


This paper presents a wearable sensor network system for Internet of Things (IoT) connected safety and health applications. Safety and health of workers are important for industrial workplace; therefore, an IoT network system which can monitor both environmental and physiological can greatly improve the safety in the workplace. The proposed network system incorporates multiple wearable sensors to monitor environmental and physiological parameters. The wearable sensors on different subjects can communicate with each other and transmit the data to a gateway via a LoRa network which forms a heterogeneous IoT platform with Bluetooth-based medical signal sensing network. Once harmful environments are detected and, the sensor node will provide an effective notification and warning mechanism for the users. A smart IoT gateway is implemented to provide data processing, local web server and cloud connection. After the gateway receives the data from wearable sensors, it will forward the data to an IoT cloud for further data storage, processing and visualization



Software And Hardware

• Hardware: Processor: i3 ,i5 RAM: 4GB Hard disk: 16 GB Raspberry pi/arduino,other hardware components (please call) • Software: operating System : Windws2000/XP/7/8/10 Anaconda,jupyter,spyder,flask Frontend :-python Backend:- MYSQL