We are developing the application which will be helpful for the blind people, Because of this application the blind people also can use the android phone easily. The working of the system incorporates three stages, first the location based audio recording stage, second the navigation of the blind person using signal from the GPS receiver and third sending the message
and calling to the person by giving the command. In this application the main function is to give Accessible design aims to ensure that spaces, applications and contents are accessible for everyone, including people with impaired perceptual capabilities. It is critical that public places and community settings will be designed to be safe, as inclusive as possible and accessible for all. Currently Smartphone’s, navigators and other handheld devices provide location–‐based technologies to support navigation outdoor and indoor. Many of them are based on visual guiding information like maps to be followed on a device or on info boards. We claim, that by adding multisensory features into environments, and by developing multisensory way finding solutions, we enhance the potential for smarter interaction and accessibility.
The Current system in android there is not any mechanism for voice command on android events like phone Call, Message reading, Unlock System. Current users are use the Services for looking the Phones features So the Motivation is that to implement the android system for blind people who can’t handle the android phone effectively. The Blind people wants to allow the android phones services like calling, reading messages using voice commands. Object detection is a wide area of development.
The proposed system is interactive, highly user friendly. Here we are going to implement a ‘Aawaz’ application. In order to overcome daily challenges, the traditional method used by a visually impaired person is walking cane and guide dog but these methods are ineffective as it is not reliable. With the rapid advances in modern technology this application has been developed. This application helps the blind people a lot it helps the user and helps in users this system the user will all use his/her android phone by voice command. Such as if the user wants to read the message the user will command and the application will read the message for the user. If the user wants to message someone the user will command and the application will search the contacts and send the message to the person. If the user wants to know his/her location then the user will command then the application will search the location of the user through GPS and prompt the location to the user. Using this helps the blind people a this application we can help the blind people to live the normal life like others, they become little independent.
- Location: It tells us the location information.
- Call: User only has to speak “call someone” and call get connected to that person.
- Send message: User only has to speak “send message” and that message to send.
- Camera: It’s open camera of you mobile.
- Play store: its open Play store of you mobile.
- Contacts: its open contacts of you mobile.
- Open messages: its open messages of you mobile.
- Start/stop Wi-Fi: It start or stop your Wi-Fi of mobile.
- Start/stop Bluetooth: It start or stop your Bluetooth of mobile.
- Date time: It tells us the today’s date and time.
- Read message: It reads the last message of inbox of your mobile.
- Calculate: It does the basic calculation.
- Whatsapp: It’s open Whatsapp of you mobile.
- Google chrome: It’s open Google chrome of you mobile.
- Google maps: It’s open Google map of you mobile.
- Battery:It tells us the battery percentage.
- Easy to use
- Improve security
- Well managed
- Easy to understand
- Recognize voice command
- Search GPS location of the user
- Processor: Intel Core i3 or more.
- RAM: 4GB or more.
- Hard disk: 250 GB or more.
- Operating System : Windows 10, 7, 8.
- Python
- Anaconda
- Spyder, Jupyter notebook, Flask.