Face is the crucial part of the human body that uniquely identifies a person. Using the face characteristics as biometric, the face recognition system can be implemented. The most demanding task in any organization is attendance marking. In traditional attendance system, the students are called out by the teachers and their presence or absence is marked accordingly. However, these traditional techniques are time consuming and tedious. Attendance marking in a classroom during a lecture is not only a onerous task but also a time consuming one at that. Due to an unusually high number of students present during the lecture there will always be a probability of proxy attendance(s). In recent years, the problem of automatic attendance marking has been widely addressed through the use of standard biometric like fingerprint and Radio frequency Identification tags etc., However,these techniques lack the element of reliability.To maintain the attendance record with day to day activities is a challenging task. In this proposed project an automated attendance marking and management system is proposed by making use of face detection and recognition algorithms. Instead of using the conventional methods, this proposed system aims to develop an automated system that records the student’s attendance by using facial recognition technology. Simply put, a face recognition attendance system makes use of facial recognition technology to identify and verify a person and mark attendance automatically. Fingerprint scanning systems are almost the standard for attendance systems but recent struggle with the pandemic has brought forth the issue with systems that require physical contact. A facial recognition attendance system is a contact-less technology that provides freedom from any physical interaction between the man and the machine.
The architecture for the proposed system has been designed to keep it pretty straightforward and easy to understand. The steps that have to be undertaken to reach the final end step of the system which is making sure the attendance of the student is updated correctly and timely. The system can easily be accessed by anyone, where attendance of the students can easily be checked and maintained by the faculty as when required. The Droid-Cam app will allow easy use for capturing live video feeds of the class and simultaneously perform recognition for the students. OpenCV Python will be used to access the Haar Cascade and LBPH algorithms and their libraries that are required for training, recognition and matching of the captured images against the stored images available in the previously acquired data sets.
It is much easier to understand how attendance systems with face recognition can make buildings and premises safer and efficient if we know how the technology works. The main objective of this work is to make the attendance marking and management system efficient, time saving, simple and easy. Here faces will be recognized using face recognition algorithms. The processed image will then be compared against the existing stored record and then attendance is marked in the database accordingly. Compared to existing system traditional attendance marking system, this system reduces the workload of people. This proposed system will be implemented with 4 phases such as Image Capturing, Segmentation of group image and Face Detection, Face comparison and Recognition, Updating of Attendance in database. System generates the pie chart and line chart of based on attendance system which is useful for teachers to check attendance data. We can mark attendance for particular subject with manageable time.
- Student Register/Login: Student have to register themself to mark attendance for specific subject.
- Teacher Login: Teacher have to login to register student and also check attendance report.
- Student Face Registration: By using face recognition API collecting face landmark and encoding face data to store it in
- Attendance marking: By using face recognition API comparing registered face and live face to recognize.
- Attendance Report: Based on student attendance report will generate in which we will add student name, subject, date,time,and attendance status.
- Automated Time Tracking System
Entry and exit time monitoring done manually or with other biometric systems can be fully automated with facial recognition attendance systems. There is no need for human intervention or physical validation as the system’s advanced algorithms can locate and identify faces autonomously. It is effortless to track time for employees with facial recognition.
- Touchless Sign In System: A Post Pandemic Requirement
Pandemic like Covid-19 can be better managed by minimizing physical contact in public places and work environments. Post pandemic there has been a significant increase in demand and adoption of contact-less technologies. The industry has recognized the benefits of facial recognition and the adoption of attendance systems like Truein. Workplaces and multitenant environments can greatly reduce the frequency of contact between individuals, thus minimizing the risk of virus transmission.
- More Accurate and Better Worker Attendance
Industrial floor time frauds are common worldwide and one of the most common work ethics violations. While a vast majority of workers are honest, but the nuisance of buddy punching cannot be ruled out. Teaming up with staff members or security personnel, some workers skip work and still get paid. Such time fraud is not only detrimental to companies but is also unfair towards honest contributing workers.
- Attendance and Leave Management
- Access Control
- Surveillance
- Processor: Intel Core i3 or more.
- RAM: 4GB or more.
- Hard disk: 250 GB or more.
- Web camera
- Operating System : Windows 10, 7, 8.
- Python
- Anaconda
- Spyder, Jupyter notebook, Flask.