Projectwale,Opp. DMCE,Airoli,sector 2

Digital Watermarking and Security Techniques

Digital Watermarking and Security Techniques



Watermarking performs a genuinely essential function inside the subject of network safety and authentication of records. But the main hassle is to secure the data from duplication and unauthorized use. Consequently, digital watermarking is employed. With this technology, we tend to implant the secret information into the real information for protecting it from unauthorized use. The need and requirement of online transaction of records is growing daily on the internet consequently we would like authentication and safety of our facts and virtual watermarking is the decision of that drawback. Digital watermarking illustrates techniques and technology that cover the records inside the form of text, images, audio and video.


For security purposes we take input as an image which you want to watermark, then we will generate any random key with our logic. By using RSA encryption we generate public and private keys to encrypt randomly generated keys.  After key generation we encrypt the watermark image by using RSA keys. After that we stored these data into our database. Then this newly formed image will be read and embedded into the original image. Then we have to detect the image for that we retrieve all the information regarding the image from the database. Then we decrypt the RSA private key to read that watermarked image, after decryption the image and hidden watermark will be displayed.


For any who envisions building an application, uploading images is a major component they have to take into account. It is an essential requirement while creating a complete application. File uploading means a user from a client machine wants to upload files to the server. For example, users can upload images, videos, etc. on Facebook, Instagram. As with any programming problem, there are many ways to achieve this outcome. This article explains a simple way to implement the approach to upload a single file with React.

The process of uploading an image can be broadly divided into two steps:


  • Select a File (user input): To enable the user to pick a file, the first step is to add the tag to our App component. This tag should have the type attribute set as “file”. Now, we need an event handler to listen to any changes made to the file. This event handler will be triggered whenever the user selects a new file and will update the state.
  • Send a request to the server: After storing the selected file (in the state), we are now required to send it to a server
  • File encryption is one of the most effective security solutions. Combined with advanced security controls, it gives your business comprehensive data protection. AES Crypt is a file encryption software available on several operating systems that uses the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to easily and securely encrypt files.
  • The process of decryption of an AES ciphertext is similar to the encryption process in the reverse order.




  • watermarking module: This module provides functionalities for embedding and extracting watermarks in digital media. The module includes algorithms for generating robust and imperceptible watermarks, such as dwt, dct, and svd-based techniques. The module also includes features for adjusting the watermark strength and size and for detecting and removing tampered watermarks.
  • Encryption Module:This module provides functionalities for encrypting and decrypting data using symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques. The module includes libraries for implementing encryption algorithms such as aes, des, rsa, and ecc. The module also includes features for generating and managing cryptographic keys and for securing data transmission over the network
  • steganography module: This module provides functionalities for hiding and revealing data in digital media using steganographic techniques. The module includes algorithms for embedding and extracting secret data in images, audio, and video files, such as LSB, DCT, and F5 methods. The module also includes features for ensuring the imperceptibility and robustness of the hidden data .
  • authentication module: This module provides functionalities for verifying the authenticity and integrity of digital media using hash and digital signature techniques. The module includes libraries for computing and comparing hash values and for generating and verifying digital signatures. The module also includes features for detecting and reporting any changes or modifications in the media
  • user interface module: This module provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the digital watermarking and security system. The module includes functionalities for selecting and uploading digital media, applying watermarking and encryption techniques, and verifying the authenticity and integrity of the media. The module also includes features for exporting and sharing the secured media.




For security purpose we take input as an image which you want to watermark, then we will generate any random key with our logic.

  • By using RSA encryption, we generate public key and private key to encrypt randomly generated key.
  • After key generation we encrypt the watermark image by using RSA keys. After that we stored these data into our database.
  • Then this newly formed image will be read and embedding into the original image. Then we have to detect the image for that we retrieve all the information regarding image from database.
  • Then we decrypt the RSA private key to read that watermarked image, after decryption image and hidden watermark will be display.
  • The proposed watermarking technique have been developed under the assumption that the noise attacks are happening in isolation and not simultaneously. The project can be extended in scenario where the noise attacks happen simultaneously
  • The proposed scheme is limited to only image watermarking. The future work can be extended to audio and video data.
  • The proposed scheme is limited to only software. The future work can be extended to the realization of the software implementation and the subsequent hardware implementation.
  • The proposed method of watermarking has been implemented to make the process of watermarking both robust and imperceptible.
  • The encrypted watermark file share with the other users and other users download that file after the acceptance of consent form.

Advantages of Proposed System:

  1. Data is more secure than existing system.
  2. It isn’t robust to common signal technique operations thence watermarks are often simply depleted because of signal processing attacks
  3. Good compression and better imperceptibility.
  4. Easily shared encrypted data to any recipient.
  5. Very fast and simple encryption and verification.




  • watermarking module: This module provides functionalities for embedding and extracting watermarks in digital media. The module includes algorithms for generating robust and imperceptible watermarks, such as dwt, dct, and svd-based techniques. The module also includes features for adjusting the watermark strength and size and for detecting and removing tampered watermarks.
  • encryption module :This module provides functionalities for encrypting and decrypting data using symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques. The module includes libraries for implementing encryption algorithms such as aes, des, rsa, and ecc. The module also includes features for generating and managing cryptographic keys and for securing data transmission over the network.
  • steganography module: This module provides functionalities for hiding and revealing data in digital media using steganographic techniques. The module includes algorithms for embedding and extracting secret data in images, audio, and video files, such as LSB, DCT, and F5 methods. The module also includes features for ensuring the imperceptibility and robustness of the hidden data.
  • authentication module: This module provides functionalities for verifying the authenticity and integrity of digital media using hash and digital signature techniques. The module includes libraries for computing and comparing hash values and for generating and verifying digital signatures. The module also includes features for detecting and reporting any changes or modifications in the media.






this application provides a user-friendly interface for applying different security techniques on digital media files including watermarking encryption steganography and authentication the application supports various file formats such as images audio and video files

requirements :

  • python 3x
  • pyqt5
  • pillow
  • cryptography
  • numpy
  • opencv


main features :

  • embedding and extracting watermarks in digital images using dwt-based algorithm
  • encrypting and decrypting data in digital files using aes algorithm
  • hiding and revealing secret data in digital images using lsb-based steganography
  • computing and comparing hash values of digital media files
  • adding and verifying digital signatures of digital media files using rsa algorithm


  • install the required libraries and packages
  • run the mainpy file using python 3x
  • select a digital media file to apply security techniques on
  • choose the desired security technique from the list
  • follow the instructions and provide the necessary inputs such as the watermark image encryption key secret data and digital signature keys save the secured digital media file




  • Processor: Intel Core i3 or more.
  • RAM: 4GB or more.
  • Hard disk: 250 GB or more.
  • Operating System: Windows 10, 7, 8.
  • python
  • anaconda
  • Spyder, Jupiter notebook, Flask.
  • React

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