Projectwale,Opp. DMCE,Airoli,sector 2

Flutter parking spot finder

Flutter parking spot finder

Flutter parking spot finder



Car parking has become a significant issue in today’s engorged areas because of a scarcity of parking facilities. In most metropolitan places, finding a parking spot is very robust and worsening, particularly throughout the hour. so as to resolve these problems, the projected application makes it straightforward to order a parking zone. This program permits users to look at varied parking spots additionally as to confirm whether or not there’s one in the market area. If the booking area is offered, it will reserve it for an exact timeframe. To boot, this method provides users with further functions. The effective management of obtainable parking areas is incontestable, and therefore the system could be swollen to hide further regions and venues This project may be a field parking mobile application project for educational purposes. The aim of this project is to develop a parking system that will replace the current previous fashion system which will improve effectiveness throughout trying to find parking zones, to point out the provision of parking zones, and to inform users of their vehicle location. the present parking system within the field isn’t effective enough. Therefore, implementing this project can improve the effectiveness and cut back the time required to seek out a parking slot. Because of a completely different obstacle, a sweet-faced, fast Response (QR) square measure is the most effective technique to implement into the system. This method can improve student time management, cut back empty parking zone obstructions. Aside from that, the info of students will be gathered from this method which may be more implemented or perform behavior analysis on the user.





 the parking spot finder app helps users find available parking spots in their desired location the app uses a combination of user input gps location and real-time data from parking lot sensors to provide accurate information about available parking spots


  • search for parking spots based on location and availability
  • reserve a parking spot for a certain period of time
  • pay for parking using in-app payments
  • receive real-time updates on available parking spots
  • view parking lot details including address hours of operation and pricing add and manage favorite parking spots for easy access


the system consists of three main components

  • mobile application: the mobile application is built using flutter and provides the user interface for searching reserving and paying for parking spots backend api the
  • backend api :is responsible for communicating with parking lot sensors processing user requests and providing real-time updates on available parking spots the api is built using a serverless architecture such as aws lambda or google cloud functions and uses a nosql database to store and retrieve parking lot data
  • parking lot sensors :the parking lot sensors are installed in each parking spot and detect the presence of vehicles in real-time the sensors communicate with the backend api using mqtt protocol to provide real-time updates on available parking spots.


mobile application

the mobile application is built using flutter and consists of the following screens

  • loginregistration: allows users to create a new account or login to an existing account using their email and password
  • search: allows users to search for available parking spots by location date and time the app displays a list of available parking spots and provides detailed information about each spot including address price and availability
  • reservation: allows users to reserve a parking spot for a certain period of time the app prompts the user to select the desired parking spot enter the reservation details and make the payment using a secure payment gateway
  • history: allows users to view their parking history including past reservations and payments
  • favorites :allows users to add and manage their favorite parking spots for easy access

backend api

the backend api is built using a serverless architecture such as aws lambda or google cloud functions and consists of the following components

  • authentication :handles user authentication and authorization using oauth2 or similar protocols
  • database: stores and retrieves parking lot data using a nosql database such as mongodb or dynamodb
  • parking lot sensor: integration communicates with parking lot sensors using mqtt protocol to receive real-time updates on available parking spots .
  • payment gateway integration :integrates with a secure payment gateway such as stripe or paypal to process payments for parking spot reservations

 parking lot sensors

the parking lot sensors are installed in each parking spot and detect the presence of vehicles in real-time the sensors communicate with the backend api using mqtt protocol to provide real-time updates on available parking spots


the parking spot finder app provides a convenient and efficient way for users to find and reserve available parking spots in their desired location by integrating real-time data from parking lot sensors the app ensures that users have accurate and up-to-date information about available parking spots the use of flutter for the mobile application allows for a smooth and responsive user interface while the serverless backend architecture provides scalability and cost-effectiveness




When running the program, the empty space detection system shows whether a parking space is occupied or not. The status of the car park and the building is masked with colored rectangles. The rectangular zones were set as input before running the program. If a vehicle is within the given rectangular shaped area and this shape is occupied by an object (car), the system updates the availability of parking spaces. situations where a parking space may not be available, regardless of whether a vehicle is actually involved. For example, a person walking by or a garage pole changing the overall average pixel color of the area delimited by square shapes could be considered by the algorithm as a vehicle in this sense, making the design unavailable. The areas of the quadrangle depend heavily on the initial still image, which is separated during system initialization. Video streaming performance would show an uprooted square shape. Consequently, the framework would work best when capturing the video feed by introducing CCTV surveillance cameras around the parking lot as they are stationary in place. Thus, the initial transmission, in which the checkboxes are rendered green when the sidewalk is empty or the available parking space is accessible, has an average pixel color of gray. The moment vehicles occupy a specific parking space, the layout quickly changes from available to unavailable.




  • authentication :this module is responsible for handling user authentication and authorization it includes features such as login registration and password recovery.
  • map view: this module provides a visual representation of the available parking spots on a map it includes features such as zoom pan and the ability to select a parking spot to view more information.
  • list view: this module displays the available parking spots in a list format it includes features such as filtering sorting and the ability to select a parking spot to view more information.
  • Search: this module allows the user to search for available parking spots based on their location date and time preferences it includes features such as autocomplete and suggestions.
  • reservation this module allows the user to reserve a parking spot for a certain period of time it includes features such as selecting the desired parking spot entering the reservation details and making the payment using a secure.
  • payment gateway: payment gateway this module integrates with a secure payment gateway such as stripe or paypal to process payments for parking spot reservations
  • favorites :this module allows the user to add and manage their favorite parking spots for easy access it includes features such as adding and removing favorites and displaying the favorites in a separate list view






  • Home Screen: The home screen displays a map view of the available parking spots in the user’s current location. The user can switch to the list view by tapping on the list icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • List View: The list view displays the available parking spots in a list format. The user can filter and sort the parking spots by distance, availability, and price. The user can tap on a parking spot to view more information.
  • Search: The search screen allows the user to search for parking spots based on their location, date, and time preferences. The user can enter the search criteria and tap on the search button to display the available parking spots on the map or in the list view.


  • parking spot details: The parking spot details screen displays more information about a selected parking spot, including the address, price, availability, and distance from the user’s location. The user can also view the parking spot on the map or reserve it by tapping on the reserve button.


  • Reservation: The reservation screen allows the user to reserve a parking spot for a certain period of time. The user can select the desired parking spot, enter the reservation details, and make the payment using a secure payment gateway.



  • Payment Gateway: The payment gateway screen integrates with a secure payment gateway, such as Stripe or PayPal, to process payments for parking spot reservations.
  • Favorites: The favorites screen allows the user to add and manage their favorite parking spots for easy access. The user can add a parking spot to favorites by tapping on the heart icon on the parking spot details screen. The user can view and manage their favorites by tapping on the favorites icon at the bottom of the screen.

Overall, the app provides a seamless user experience for finding, reserving, and paying for parking spots, making it easier for users to navigate busy city streets and save time searching for a parking spot.





·        Processor: Pentium 4

·        RAM: 4GB or more

·        Hard disk: 16 GB or more

·        Android Device

  • Windows Operating System.
  • Android SDK
  • MySQL
  • Flutter
  • Android studio
  • Anaconda Navigator / Spyder

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