Digital Watermarking and Security Techniques

performs a genuinely essential function inside the subject of network safety
and authentication of records. But the main hassle is to secure the data from
duplication and unauthorized use. Consequently, digital watermarking is
employed. With this technology, we tend to implant the secret information into
the real information for protecting it from unauthorized use. The need and
requirement of online transaction of records is growing daily on the internet
consequently we would like authentication and safety of our facts and virtual
watermarking is the decision of that drawback. Digital watermarking illustrates
techniques and technology that cover the records inside the form of text,
images, audio and video.
For security purposes we
take input as an image which you want to watermark, then we will generate any
random key with our logic. By using RSA encryption we generate public and
private keys to encrypt randomly generated keys. After key generation we
encrypt the watermark image by using RSA keys. After that we stored these data
into our database. Then this newly formed image will be read and embedded into
the original image. Then we have to detect the image for that we retrieve all
the information regarding the image from the database. Then we decrypt the RSA
private key to read that watermarked image, after decryption the image and
hidden watermark will be displayed.
For any who envisions
building an application, uploading images is a major component they have to
take into account. It is an essential requirement while creating a complete
application. File uploading means a user from a client machine wants to upload
files to the server. For example, users can upload images, videos, etc. on
Facebook, Instagram. As with any programming problem, there are many ways to
achieve this outcome. This article explains a simple way to implement the
approach to upload a single file with React.
The process of uploading an
image can be broadly divided into two steps:
•Select a File
(user input): To enable the user to pick a file, the first step is to add the
tag to our App component. This tag should have the type attribute set as
“file”. Now, we need an event handler to listen to any changes made to the
file. This event handler will be triggered whenever the user selects a new file
and will update the state.
•Send a request
to the server: After storing the selected file (in the state), we are now
required to send it to a server
encryption is one of the most effective security solutions. Combined with
advanced security controls, it gives your business comprehensive data
protection. AES Crypt is a file encryption software available on several
operating systems that uses the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES) to easily and securely encrypt files.
•The process of
decryption of an AES ciphertext is similar to the encryption process in the
reverse order.
Keywords: RSA,
Watermark, Private Key, Public Key, Secure data, database, encryption,
The main objectives
of the project are:
main objective for developing this application is that it can provide the user
with security of data it will also provide the transfer of data from one
machine to another in from of files only the authorized user and administrator
can access the application.
1) Data embedding even as now no longer distorts the image.
2) Minimum perceptual degradation.
3) Information extraction without any loss.
4) This could in the long run be the reason for shielding medical images
with watermarking.
5) Digital watermarking is presently a drastically focused technique
aimed towards imparting a dependable manner to defend images or certify
copyrights safety.
6) In the present mode-like spatial domain, the watermark isn’t always
nicely embedded and extracted and it finally ends up in the fallacious safety
of secret info.
7) The prevailing spatial area is remodeled into frequency area
mistreatment separate ripple rework.
8) In our projected paintings the watermark is from time to time embedded
invisibly in the images to keep away from attracting the attention of malicious
9) We use color image
watermarking, which has excessive efficiency in comparison to the ordinary gray
scale picture watermarking.
• A completely unique image
sweetening technique, named CLAHE-discrete wavelet transform (DWT), which mixes
the CLAHE with DWT.
• The new technique includes 3 main
steps: initial, the first image is rotten into low-frequency and high-frequency
elements by DWT.
• Then, the authors enhance the
low-frequency coefficients exploitation CLAHE and keep the high-frequency coefficients
unchanged to limit noise sweetening.
• This is often as a result of the
high-frequency part corresponds to the detail info and contains most noises of
original image.
• Finally, reconstruct the image by
taking inverse DWT of the new coefficients.
System was not much
Easy to implement.
System is not précised.
•For security
purpose we take input as an image which you want to watermark, then we will
generate any random key with our logic.
•By using RSA
encryption, we generate public key and private key to encrypt randomly
generated key.
•After key
generation we encrypt the watermark image by using RSA keys. After that we
stored these data into our database.
•Then this newly
formed image will be read and embedding into the original image. Then we have
to detect the image for that we retrieve all the information regarding image
from database.
•Then we decrypt
the RSA private key to read that watermarked image, after decryption image and
hidden watermark will be display.
•The proposed
watermarking technique have been developed under the assumption that the noise
attacks are happening in isolation and not simultaneously. The project can be
extended in scenario where the noise attacks happen simultaneously
•The proposed
scheme is limited to only image watermarking. The future work can be extended
to audio and video data.
•The proposed
scheme is limited to only software. The future work can be extended to the
realization of the software implementation and the subsequent hardware
•The proposed
method of watermarking has been implemented to make the process of watermarking
both robust and imperceptible.
•The encrypted
watermark file share with the other users and other users download that file
after the acceptance of consent form.
Advantages of
Proposed System:
1. Data is more
secure than existing system.
2. It isn’t robust
to common signal technique operations thence watermarks are often simply
depleted because of signal processing attacks
3. Good compression
and better imperceptibility.
4. Easily shared
encrypted data to any recipient.
Very fast and simple encryption and verification.
Registration: User have to register to become a
part of project.
User Login: User have to login themself to access in project.
Upload file: When
user uploads file watermark emebbed and encrypt with AES and AES key encrypted
with RSA Public key and metadata store in database
Share File:We Can
Share that Encrypted file.
Download File:We Can Download that Encrypted file.
Advantages of
Proposed System:-
1. Data is more secure than existing system.
2. It isn’t robust to common signal technique operations thence
watermarks are often simply depleted because of signal processing attacks
3. Good compression and better imperceptibility.
4. Easily shared encrypted data to any recipient.
5. Very fast and simple encryption and verification.
Processor: Intel Core i3 or
RAM: 4GB or more.
Hard disk: 250 GB or more.
- Operating System: Windows 10, 7, 8.
- Python.
- Anaconda.
- Spyder, Jupiter notebook, Flask.
- React