Projectwale,Opp. DMCE,Airoli,sector 2

Category: Artificial Intelligence

final year projects for computer science

Abstractive Text Summarization Using LSTM AND RNN

Abstractive Text Summarization Using LSTM AND RNN

ABSTRACT: –   Text summarisation has been one among the foremost well-known issues in natural language process and deep learning in recent years. A text summary usually contains a brief note on an oversized text document. Automatic text summary generation is the task of generating a brief summary for a comparatively long text document by…
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Face Detection and Recognition Student Attendance System

Face Detection and Recognition Student Attendance System

ABSTRACT: –   Face detection and recognition are very important technologies these days, and we noticed that they have a variety of uses, such as mobile phones used by the military and some high-risk information offices. We decided to create an attendance system for students that detects and recognises faces as an alternative to the…
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Eye Blink Controlled Virtual Interface

Eye Blink Controlled Virtual Interface

ABSTRACT: –   Communication issues between different types of software are a problem every software and mechatronic engineer must face. It is often necessary to translate information between platforms, be it via analogue or digital signals, and make it understandable for different types of hardware. In this lab exercise, we are forced to deal with…
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Breast Cancer using Neural Networks

Breast cancer detection using Neural Network

ABSTRACT: –   The main reason for death in women is breast cancer. If most cancers are detected at an early stage, then the chances of survival are very high. In the body, new cells take over the area of old cells with the aid of an orderly boom as vintage cells die out. The…
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AI Voice Assistance


ABSTRACT: –   Artificial intelligence era is starting to be actively utilized in human life, making it simpler to visualize. Independent gadgets are clever in their methods of speaking with each other. One of the maximum suitable sorts of synthetic intelligence is the capacity to realize human herbal language. New thoughts in this text may…
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human trafficking

Human trafficking

ABSTRACT:- The government defines human trafficking as “modern slavery”. Human trafficking includes both sex trafficking and forced labour. In our research, we specifically focus  on both types of human trafficking. Trafficking victims are coerced or tricked into trading for money. Human trafficking is the fastest growing organized crime, according to the FBI. and the third…
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INTRODUCTION In e-learning environments,  students and teachers use the Internet on a regular basis in order  to follow/receive lectures, ask/answer questions and send/receive assessments. However, e- learning universities rely on an examination process in which students hold a face to face exam in a physical place determined by the university under supervised conditions. Such conditions…
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Detection of Heart Diseases using Artificial Intelligence and Novel Digital Stethoscope


ABSTRACT:-             According to World Health Organization (WHO), the number of patients are increasing who died from heart failure or heart diseases. More people die annually from heart diseases than from any other disease. These murmur detection and heart sound detection techniques are most important to predict heart diseases. Heart sound detection is very useful…
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ABSTRACT:-                 Humans are observing a very hard time fighting with invisible enemy; the novel COVID-19 corona virus. Corona virus disease is an irresistible infection caused by the respiratory disease Corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).It started from Wuhan city of China in December 2019 now fastly spreading all over the world. Till today more than 54.4…
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ABSTRACT:-   Distance and online learning (or e-learning) has become a norm in education and training  due to a variety of advantages such as efficiency, flexibility, affordability and ease of use. insulation requirements. However, monitoring participants and students during classes, especially exams, is a major challenge for online systems due to the lack of physical…
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We have updated our pricing all developed project. All developed project will cost 3000 INR. Offer valid till 30 Jan 2024.